Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Conference Steering Committee

In my earlier post I gave an update on the current position of preparations for Conference 2007; now I'd like to add a few words, so that you might give a passing thought for the small group known as the Conference Steering Committee upon whose shoulders sits the preparation of all the business elements of the Conference.

The committee consists of the President, the Vice President Constitutions (who chairs the committee), a member of the Executive Committee elected by the EC, two branch or regional forum officers elected by the last Conference, a past member of a regional forum or Executive Committee elected by the rest of the Steering Committee, and the General Manager. So it is a small and compact group, as you can see.

The committee meets twice before the Conference weekend and then immediately prior to the start of the Conference on site. The first meeting is this coming weekend, which will be to prepare the provisional motions paper. The committee have to work hard to try and ensure that all motions from units are included - but also that all motions meet the rules. They will scrutinise, analyse and debate each one before eventually reaching the point where the provisional paper is ready. This paper will be sent out within days of the weekend.

The second meeting deals with amendments to the motions, and the final order paper is put together. The committee then deals with the timing of the business and appends any comments to the motions paper to give guidance to the delegates at the Conference.

The meetings of Steering Committee are intense and work-filled weekends - but there are still plenty of new volunteers each year. Will you be one?

It's a great way to get to grips with the inner workings of Conference and the Association. If you want to volunteer - then get yourself to Conference 2007! If you do or not, please spare a thought for the hard-working Steering Committee over this coming weekend.


Vice President Constitutions

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